Steve Lakawicz Douglas Laustsen
Ben Mulholland Brandon Frumolt
Other Members
In his spare time, Steve maintains his blog, Classical Gaming, though poorly. He’s busy and just forgets sometimes. You can also find him on the Twitter: @stevelakawicz or by enrolling in his classes at Temple. Twitter is probably easier.
In addition to being a cofounder of Beta Test, Douglas Laustsen writes both original music and arrangements for the group and lives in New Jersey. He’s really into Atomic Robo. Sometimes, when he’s not reading about Atomic Robo, he also plays trombone.
Douglas is also an educator and host of a weekly radio program on WRSU-FM called Endless Possibilities. You can find out a whole lot more at his website or by following him on twitter.
Ben Mulholland started out born as a small human child. Barely 10 Earth pounds in weight, the human child Ben grew exponentially larger in size in only a few short orbits around Earth’s Sun. At 9 Earth Years of age, he heard a recording of the not altogether french instrument, the French Horn. In this, Ben found the perfect object for commensalism. He is an MSDOS 6.0 Enthusiast, Lover of Cats, Enemy of Apossoms, Savior to known and unknown Galaxies. One of these is not true.
Ben is originally from Gaithersburg, Maryland. He Attended Shenandoah University’s Conservatory in Winchester, Virginia. After college,Ben went to Los Angeles where he tested video games for THQ by day, and performed in Hollywood’s indie rock scene by night. He moved to Philadelphia in 2008 and enjoys all that Philly has to offer for performing musicians and artists. He currently subs for a variety of chamber music groups in the Philadelphia area, and in the Washington DC area.
Also know as Brokenspecs, Brandon Frumolt is the singer and guitarist for the group. As an avid gamer, he is ecstatic to be one of the newer members of Beta Test. He currently works as a music teacher in New Jersey’s public schools. He has arranged and composed for choirs in his schools, and writes constantly for leisure and for pleasure. You can find him jumping through portals, summoning demons, and leveling up on couches all over the US. So say we all.
The photo he supplied also results in some awkward formatting so he needs to take up a little more space in order to space everything out properly. He’s significantly better at Scramble With Friends than Doug, but so is pretty much everyone.
Other Beta Test performers in the past have included: Justin Bulava (clarinet/piano), Ellis Jasenovic (saxophones), Rob Tait (drums), James Kern (drums), Abby LaVecchia (piano), Elizabeth Morgan-Ellis (harp), Thomas Lee (piano), Mark Zelesky (saxophones/piano) and Brian Rascon (trumpet)