New Tracks of Quartet Music


As promised, here are the first two tracks released from the Beta Test Vaults.

These are two pieces written for our quartet set up, which we used as our base ensemble when we started out. The group ended up changing a lot over the years, but this is where it started.

First is Melissa Dunphy’s UNDER THE BED, a super awesome programmatic work that we premiered at our Monsters concert, full of horror themed music:

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=1132120128 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small track=2558436785]

Second is Nat Evan’s NO ORIGINATION, which is the first piece someone wrote for us from outside the group. We premiered it at our first show way back when. It’s a little hard to describe, so take a listen:

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=1132120128 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small track=3374569952]

You can also stream or download them on bandcamp.

Last Show!




Well, for a while.

So Doug is moving to Austin, and we’re looking to have one more big show before he leaves. We’ve gone through all of our music to figure out what we want to play most, and we’ll be doing that on July 12th at our favorite little spot, the First Unitarian Church Chapel. 

We’ve even recruited past members Ellis and Rob to join us, and we’ll have some libations from Mischief Brewing (among other stuff) (and your ticket will start you off with your first beverage). To be honest, we haven’t really worked out a single detail, but we were spitballing ideas, and we’re probably going to open up the doors early so you can hang out with us for a bit before we play. We’ll bring some games and chill until its time to play. So come hang out and listen to some of our favorite arrangements for the last time in a while.

Please let us know you’re coming on facebook, and buy tickets in advance. We’ll keep the most up to date info about the show at that facebook event page, so check in there as we work it all out.

Groundhog’s Day Wrap Up

Hey guys!  Thanks to everyone who came out last night.  We had a really good time playing for y’all.  We made the best of a boring holiday AND the weather.  Not bad.

If you saw any of the merch last night and was like:  oh man, I want that but I can’t buy it now…. Fear not!  You can still purchase ANY of the items you saw yesterday on our Bandcamp – Merch page.

Also, we’re working on the audio and video from last night…  Stay tuned!

Lastly, if you’re in the NYC area on St. Patrick’s Day (March 17th), we’ll be playing a small set of music at Spectrum.  Check out the details here.

Again, thanks for coming out and supporting this nerdy little chamber ensemble from Philly!


Hey everyone! We wanted to let you know that we’ll have some brand new merchandise at the show Saturday. Take a look at this:


That’s Beta Tester Brandon rocking out one of our new shirts. We’ll also have these postcards at the show. If you buy one, you’ll get a download code for our performance at the William Way Center.


We’ll also have buttons and some stickers. Also, while your first chance to buy these from us in person will be tomorrow night, you can buy them right now on bandcamp. That’s right, you can start throwing your rupees at us now for Beta Test swag. Go ahead, you won’t regret it.

Next Show: Groundhog’s Day!

Your next chance to catch us in performance is approaching fast. We’ll be at the First Unitarian Church in Center City, Philadelphia on February 2nd, aka Groundhog’s Day.

We’ll be doing an almost entirely fresh set of arrangements and music. This will definitely include music from the games Castlevania, Earthbound, Final Fantasy VI, and Bastion. We’ll also be doing our own take on music from the Buffy musical episode Once More With Feeling and some original music from Doug.

We’ll also be putting the spotlight on some of the tunes between now and the concert on the blog, so keep an eye on that spot.

At the door, tickets will be $15, but you can get them in advance for $10 on ticket leap.

Here’s our page’s event listing, and don’t forget to share the facebook event with your friends!

A Very Beta Holiday Concert

Prepare yourself for two amazing sets of your favorite holiday hits (perhaps slightly altered) along with electrifying arrangements of the hottest video game sounds of the past. Come to Philadelphia Christmas Village on December 1st and prepare to be forged into a holiday spirit super-being…

We’ll be playing two hour long sets (3pm and 5pm) with limited overlap between the two. You can come watch us or just use us as your soundtrack to holiday shopping. Our event page has some additional details.

Upcoming Events

We updated the events calendar, but forgot to put a note here in the news section about our upcoming events! Please accept our sincerest apologies.

Next week we’ll be performing at a benefit concert for group called Playing for Change. Their mission is to expand youth arts education programs, which is pretty cool. The event proper starts at 1, but some of us will be hanging out playing beforehand to attract passer-bys to take in the show.

In October, we’ll be hosting a few excellent musicians at the Dalet Art Gallery. Our own Mark Zelesky will be performing some solo works for toy piano and saxophone, and Alexis Del Palazzo will be playing pieces for solo flute. They should also be teaming up for some duets during the night.

See you around!

Live at William Way on bandcamp!

We’re all pretty thrilled to share with you our set from the LocalArtsLive showcase. We put the four tracks on bandcamp just a little while ago, and you can download them at a name your price rate starting as low as free dollars. Of course, any money you pitch in will help us to create some new recordings that we’ll be working on this fall.

The live EP contains our arrangement of the Beetlejuice theme, music from Doctor Who, our Legend of Zelda medley, and Doug’s piece Dimunitive Tetriminos. Its also your first chance to hear any recordings with our new members Ben and Mark!

Take a listen below and let us know what you think on facebook or twitter.

[wp_bandcamp_player type=”album” id=”2812218840″ size=”grande3″ bg_color=”#F8F2F2″ link_color=”#4285BB”]